Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Machinery FAQ

More Machineryquestions please visit : MachineryFAQ.com

I want to set up a fly-ash bricks factory. Where I can return with a complete project report and cost of machinery?
I want to know about the cost of machinery and a comparative advantage over clay-bricks. In the USA you will never get that exceed the DEC or environmentalists umm which currency' which country Contact trade associations or to...

I want to set up a Plastic furniture manufacting facility surrounded by India. Kindly suggest me the machinery required?
Project cost & sales potential of the same 1. u inevitability moulds 2. contact with polymer/plastic producing cos of India and thats it. get the hot thermo/thermosetting plastics, pour it on the moulds. allow it dry/cool. any type of furniture is...

I want to set up plastic toys factory,want counsel , where on earth to buy machinery ?how can wallow in apply for govt aids?
like subsidy for land , machinery , etc and how can govt back to set a new small industry Toy factory,very biddable idea.but where and which place you want to start. and you said wallow in...

I want to start chalice carving itching etc., near hottest automatic machinery. Please support me to locate mfrs.?
I want to start glass jobs, similar to cutting, shaping, carving, itching etc., with up-to-the-minute automatic machinery. Please help me to locate mfrs. As I an a novice to this business, please tolerate me know the details. Do you mean etching? Considering...

I want to start export machinery spare parts from india, how do I start?
I want to start export machinery spares parts from India. I don't know how to start? I did some research sent some email to foreign company but nobody replied..?? Please guide me step by step process. 1. How to approach foreign traders/foreign importers? 2. How do...

I want to start export machinery spares parts from India. I don't know how to start?
I want to start export machinery spares parts from India. I don't know how to start? I did some research sent some email to foreign company but nobody replied..?? Please guide me step by step process. 1. How to approach foreign traders/foreign importers? 2....

I want to start factory of bubble pen and gel pen and panicle also. Do you hold any machinery for it if yes plz.
unless you are chinese and doing it in china you will not make any profit ably really i dont know BUT .......My advice to you is to go and see ebay ull find it im sure...

I want to trade industrial woodworking machinery i am no longer using. I am not a purveyor?
1 carving machine (26 motor spindle) 1 production style table saw ( multiple angle cuts) 1 drill press plus a few more if at hand is some form of possibly a local newspaper that gives the preference to run the ad until item...

I want to write a business plan for my investor for the rental of creamy plant machinery?
Google "business plan software". There are dozens of fill in the blanks packages available. Speak to your investor in connection with what he wants to see in your business plan. I've see millions of dollars raised with a 2 page outline and 100...

Y WANT BUY ebay tha hell is dat You can't, because they aren't for sale. Nobody seems to own one except the commune you read about. Testatika Generator Info - "Apparently no one have managed to replicate this machine, despite some detailed drawings and descriptions around." (ZPEnergy; Feb. 26, 2005) Source(s): http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Meth…...

I would resembling to instigate production wakeboard towers and i am hot to the machinery world.?
I would like to know what type of machine I entail to bend pipe in more than just angles. I entail to make long bends that span the entire length of a peice of 7' aluminum pipe. Here is a link for an example...

I would approaching to buy 2 appendage heavily built machinery?
Advertise at the suitable channel and place, specifying your requirements, you may get upright response. Contact relevant industry associations, they are in good wisdom of such disposals and acquisitions. Contact relevant machine brokers, they may locate for you and grasp you a good deal. eBay!!

Ideas for machinery that you could build out of rime?
kinda thinking mills, maybe a conveyor belt... and i'm curious about making a steam engine (running on soft nitrogen). thoughts? some ww2 guy wanted to build an aircraft carrier out of pykrete (ice & 14% sawdust) try a hotel ;-). If you live contained by or are going to a...

If a friend purchased machinery 3 years ago for $7 million. It can be sold today for $3.7 million.....?
His current balance sheet shows net fixed assets of $2.6 million, current liability of $1.3 million and net working capital of $410,000. If adjectives current assets were liquidated, the company would recieve $1.8 million bread. What is the book value of...

If humans adjectives disappeared, could rats numeral out how to operate the machinery of civilization?
Nope! They lack opposable thumbs. No. The only way they use machines is by a system or rewards and punishments. short that, they couldn't figure out what does what. Maybe a chimpanzee could operate simple machinery. It's about as intelligent as a five or six...

If I hire 45 unofficial Mexicans can I claim them as Machinery on my taxes?
Or do I have to claim my business as a medium size cooperation? If I had my opening, and the laws allowed it, I would have you fined $50,000 for every illicit you employ. anything... mr. penis envy, my guess is you would own yourself...

If I provide a piece of privately owned machinery do I own to repay wherewithal gain on it?
I own a diamond drill and I wondered if I will have to pay property gains tax on it when I go it. I live in Canada. Absolutely, if you sell it for more than you remunerated for it. Only if you...

If machinery is bought by signing a promissory file will be considered an asset and a liability?
all the set up for a company is a write past its sell-by date for i think 3 years as it depreciates but the irs will answer that for free Liability.....)( To record the purchase of machinery with a make a note of...

If near be no invention of machineries. What would empire do?
Advanced science has made the man laziness. He is depending everything on machinaries. Whenever he get up, the water must be boiled. At the time of tiffin, housewife uses Mixer for preparing tiffin and mixer for Lunch. He goes on Motor Cycle. He works surrounded by the office where...

If science,scientist,robots,machineries and other inventions are of minister to?
humanity have acknowledge all inventions from lighter to x-rays and to infrared, and to ultraviolet rays,electromagnetic propulsions and space travel -seems to provide great assistance to humanity-yet, cancer, AIDS, parkinsons,alzhimers hold no cure at all??,global warm,wars etc.. so is science missing A LOT from REALITY?? Yeah. We have LOTS gone to...
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