Kamis, 20 November 2008

Technology Reviews: Helping Music Buffs to Stay in Tune

300 PhD scholars were divided into two groups in the premises of North Texas University and given the task of memorizing vocabulary. One group was taught the meaning with the help of music and the second without it. The result showed that the group that learned vocabulary with help of music outscored the second one by a huge margin.

The findings of the scientific experiment has a relation with the real life experience of a Russian captain. He was worried and exhausted in trying his best to rescue 3000 beluga Whales trapped in the narrow strait of Bering sea. All his efforts were going in vain as the noise of the rescue ship was frightening and confusing the whales. Suddenly a thought of playing Beethoven’s music came to the mind of the Capitan. He played it in all its capacity. To the surprise of others on the ship, the whales followed the music and swam through the narrow channel to freedom.

These two instances testify the fact that music contains much more than what we hear to soothe our aching soul.

Thanks to the technology. It has redefined the territory of music and the way we enjoy it. Technology has enabled music to follow you anywhere you go. New audio equipments are getting added to the list of wonders on a very regular basis. Latest technology has opened the floodgate of options to explore music in all its ramifications.

But problem of plenty has grown to a magnified proportion! So many exciting and cutting edge options are available in the home audio and car audio segment that the air of confusion regarding what to buy is also condensing in equal tandem.

Thankfully there are several home audio and car audio review websites that have cropped up on the web space. They have made the decision making process of the customer easier by offering wholesome and impartial views on all ranges of musical gadgets. Analyzing the pros and cons of music systems they are helping visitors to make wise decision.

There are online forums and communities engaged dedicatedly in discussing various aspects of a new launch. These online forums are working as the uncensored media to broaden the customer awareness. The flips of a newly launched are open to all and positives more popular. Comments from industry experts, along with views and reviews ensuring that a customer does not fall in the trap of marketing gimmicks.

In short, with the technological innovations and able guidance from technology review sites, the music lovers are finding newer reasons to stay in tune with the latest in music. Home audio and car audio review websites, along with community and forums, are empowering them to remain updated with the recent and the very best... always!

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